Undoubtedly the best book on the step by step to creating a luxury brand. The book further presents in addition to an exceptional diagramming practical examples of companies that have already done this and shows us that we must first have the vision. The allied vision with this book will help you to understand or create a brand of luxury and all the feelings added to it!
The book's layout is extremely elegant bringing out one of the items to be observed in the luxury brands that is attention ...
This book is unique in the challenging world of entrepreneurs!
Impressive and breathtaking, invites everyone who considers luxury to be the core of quality of life, to read it from beginning to end!
This book is a must read for any entrepreneur and not only
This book is a must read for any entrepreneur and not only of the luxury sector.
It awakens them to understand that a visionary is the one that achieves extraordinary value added on the long term. Never have thought of that before!